Everyone wants to see the natural environment thrive and is in favor of healthy and improving wildlife and vegetation, soil conservation, effective water management, and clean air. Modern techniques can allow people, flora, and fauna to coexist and thrive.
Cattle fencing: Barbed wire fencing was one of the great inventions of western expansion, providing a cheap and effective way to control cattle. But the traditional design of fencing can snag animals attempting to leap over and can make it impossible for younger or smaller animals to crawl under.
Here's an excellent guide to proper fencing called "How to Build Fence with Wildlife in Mind":
From this guide:
All of our new fencing is built to these specifications, and we are gradually re-doing our older fencing as well.
Encouragement of winter forage: Plant growth slows in the winter, making grazing more difficult for wildlife. Certain plants provide good winter grazing. Bitterbrush is one of the most effective plants in our region. Bitterbrush is pictured below, up close:
In order to encourage bitterbrush, we remove competing vegetation from around existing bitterbrush plants, such as juniper trees which block shade. This allows the bitterbrush to expand.
Of course, monocultures aren't the goal - the goal isn't to have a vast bitterbrush plantation. But there's plenty of room for bitterbrush to expand.